Text für Teaser und Metatags Publikationen Publication List Poster Climate Prediction Characterization of Karst Aquifers in Mediterranean Climates Technical Notes Calculating groundwater stress and climate change- induced vulnerability of karst aquifers on a global scale Quantification of Israel’s virtual water fluxes A Karst Conduit Probability Map for the Western Mountain Aquifer using a stochastic modeling approach Scenario analysis and prediction of future groundwater resources for the Western Mountain Aquifer Creating high-resolution land use and soil moisture maps from remote sensing data Groundwater recharge estimation for the Western Mountain Aquifer with the Soil & Water Assessment Tool Comparison of methods to calculate groundwater recharge for the karstic Western Mountain Aquifer Development of a neural network to calculate groundwater recharge in karstified aquifers Mooflow: A generalized framework for basin-scale multi-objective simulation-optimization with MODFLOW Single-continuum MODFLOW model of the Western Mountain Aquifer Hydro-Pedo-Transfer Functions (HPTFs) for prediction of groundwater recharge in karst aquifers under Medi- terranean climate Integrated surface-subsurface, multi-continuum flow model of the Western Mountain Aquifer Quantifying ecosystem services in the Western Mountain Aquifer using the Soil & Water Assessment Tool Quantification of ecosystem services flows to Israel Energy and carbon balance of Israel’s domestic and imported virtual water supply Concept of a web-based Decision Support System and live-processing tool Development of a classification scheme for carbonate aquifers in the Mediterranean region Videos MedWater Film Decision Support System (DSS) Tutorial Presentation: Sustainable use of politically and economically relevant water resources in hydraulically, climatically and ecologically highly dynamic hard-rock aquifers in the Mediterranean region Stakeholder Forum: Web based Decision Support System Decision Support System Decision Support System (DSS) Plattform
Calculating groundwater stress and climate change- induced vulnerability of karst aquifers on a global scale
A Karst Conduit Probability Map for the Western Mountain Aquifer using a stochastic modeling approach
Groundwater recharge estimation for the Western Mountain Aquifer with the Soil & Water Assessment Tool
Mooflow: A generalized framework for basin-scale multi-objective simulation-optimization with MODFLOW
Hydro-Pedo-Transfer Functions (HPTFs) for prediction of groundwater recharge in karst aquifers under Medi- terranean climate
Quantifying ecosystem services in the Western Mountain Aquifer using the Soil & Water Assessment Tool