KIT – Development of the in situ measuring system HIPPO
RUB – Surface Water Modelling – Building a 1D Hydrodynamic Model
RUB – Contamination Risk Assessment
Informationsmaterial der iWaGSS Partner
Water Management System Tool
Water Management System Tool - a guided tour by Disy
Presentation: Monitoring-based water governance system
Stakeholder Forum: River Management in Kruger National Park
Webinar: Introduction to the iWaGSS realtime Water Management System, Part 1/2
Webinar: Introduction to the iWaGSS realtime Water Management System, Part 2/2
Digital Surface models by drone
Impressions Selati River and Savong monitoring site
Rivers in the Lower Olifants River Catchment
Animation: Drone Video to 3D Model, Olifants River / Oxford Weir