The idea behind the hybrid conference format
Thanks to a hybrid conference concept, it was possible to engage in discussions with a diverse community of up to 400 experts on the future of water as a global resource despite corona-related limitations. The combination of a live event on site in Berlin and innovative digital formats that brought together physical and virtual participants made this possible.
The virtual marketplace platform provided the bridge between the virtual and physical world. Up to 360 virtual participants tuned in daily to the virtual auditorium of the web-based platform to follow the events at the Umweltforum Berlin via a live stream and broadened the discussions on site using a chat function.
During the preparations for the hybrid final conference, the GRoWnet management team soon recognized that an effective and successful integration of virtual participants requires more than an online broadcast of the conference event in Berlin. Thus, the marketplace program was created as a comprehensive digital format for knowledge exchange, which provided a framework for the live event from October 15th to 23rd. Key components of the event included a networking lounge, digital exhibition stands and online webinars, which offered visitors a more in-depth insight into the water management solutions of the GRoW projects.
GRoW projects presented their innovative approaches and products at vibrant and diversely equipped digital booths. Similar to a physical marketplace, virtual participants could stroll through the marketplace and explore brochures, posters, videos and other publications of GRoW projects.