Cross-cutting topic: Water footprint

Trade in virtual water is increasingly creating global links between local and regional water resources. The GRoW research projects are therefore not limiting their focus to local and regional solutions; they are also investigating how consumption is linked to and affects water resources in other parts of the world. The GRoW projects concerned with water footprint are working on methods for measuring water footprint in order to identify areas where water is being used inefficiently and implement practical measures for reducing the water footprint. This cross-cutting topic aims to link the GRoW projects working in this area and to leverage potential synergies.
Coordinator: | Dr Markus Berger (TU Berlin) |
Support: | Dr Falk Schmidt (IASS Potsdam) |
Policy Brief
Policy Brief: Advancing the Water Footprint into an instrument to support achieving the SDGs
Downloads and results
1st meeting of the working group, 21 March 2018
- Minutes
- Presentation: "Water Footprint - from virtual to local impacts", Dr M. Berger (TU Berlin)
2nd meeting of the working group, 27 September 2018
- Minutes
- Presentation: "Cross-cutting topic Water Footprint", Dr M. Berger (TU Berlin)
- Presentation: "Water quality in water footrprinting", N. Finogenova (TU Berlin)
GRoW Mid-term conference, 20 - 21 February 2019
- Presentation: "Cross-cutting topic Water Footprint", Dr M. Berger (TU Berlin)
- Further downloads from the conference here
3rd meeting of the working group, 17 May 2019
SIWI World Water Week, 25. - 30. August 2019
Event "Supporting SDG6 by advancing the water footprint tool", presentations:
Wolf: Supporting SDG 6 by advancing the water footprint tool
Berger: Current WF approaches and their potential to support achieving the SDGs
Weber: Reducing the water footprint of the cotton textile industry in Pakistan (InoCottonGROW)
Forin; Wojciechowski: Water Footprint of Organizations Local Actions in Global Supply Chains (WELLE)
Further information on GRoW at SIWI World Water Week here
GRoW Final Conference, 20 - 21 October 2020
- Presentation "Cross-cutting topic Water Footprint", Dr M. Berger (TU Berlin)
- Further downloads from the conference here
Publication in "Water Resources Management"
- Berger, M., Campos, J., Carolli, M. Dantas, I., Forin, S., Kasotica, E., Kramer, A., Mikosch, N., Nouri, H., Schlattmann, A. Schmidt, F., Schomberg, A. & E. Semmling (2021): Advancing the Water Footprint into an Instrument to Support Achieving the SDGs – Recommendations from the "Water as a Global Resources" Research Initiative (GRoW). In: Water Resources Management 2021 35: 1291-1298. Access the pdf version here