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GRoW Brochure: Highlights & Results

New Tools and Analyses for the Management of Water as a Global Resource (GRoW), published in May 2022


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Technical Brief #1: Reservoir and Surface Water Management: Water Quality and Sediment (in German)

Technical summary of GRoW products addressing reservoir and surface water management, published September 2021

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Technical Brief #2: Using Remote Sensing for efficient Water Management in Agriculture

Technical summary of GRoW products utilizing remote sensing data for efficient water management in agriculture, published November 2021

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Technical Brief #3: New Tools for Groundwater Management (in German)

Technical summary of GRoW products addressing groundwater management, published January 2022

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Technical Brief #4: Addressing conflicting goals in water management: New tools for improved governance

Technical summary of GRoW products addressing water governance, published March 2022

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Proceedings of the GRoW final conference

GRoW final conference in Berlin on 20-21 October 2020. Ziel der GRoW final conference was to present and discuss key results and final products of the 12 joint projects and the cross-cutting topics.

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Proceedings of the GRoW mid-term conference

Mid-term conference in Frankfurt am Main of 20-21 February 2019. The aim of the GRoW mid-term conference was to present the interim results of the 12 projects and the cross-cutting topics.


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Proceedings of the kick-off conference

Short presentations of the joint research projects of the BMBF funding measure GRoW during the kick-off event held in Karlsruhe on 12 and 13 September 2017.

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Project sheets on the BMBF funding measure GRoW

Short presentations of the GRoW joint research projects incl. contact persons


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GRoW Flyer


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Publications of the joint projects

Several hundred specialist publications in journals, books and lectures have been produced as part of the funding measure. Corresponding publication lists can be found on the respective project pages:

List of publications ViWa

List of publications SaWaM

List of publications MuDak-WRM

List of publications MedWater

List of publications GlobeDrought

List of publications InoCottonGROW

List of publications WELLE

List of publications WANDEL

List of publications TRUST

List of publications STEER

List of publications iWaGSS

List of publications go-CAM