Global water demand

The global population has grown by more than one billion people since 2000, and currently stands at 7.3 billion. In the same period, global demand for water has risen by about 20%. An expected further 55% rise in water demand by 2050 and a corresponding increase in conflicts over its use will further exacerbate the situation.
Within the "global water demand" topic, the GRoW funding measure focuses on researching measures that create new incentive systems for using existing resources more effectively. Within this context, future water demand must be viewed in light of the links between water, food and energy so that the growing need for foodstuffs and renewable raw materials for energy supplies can be taken into account. Reliable and understandable forecasts for trends in water demand are therefore an important tool for decision-makers in businesses and administrative authorities.
The following GRoW joint research projects are working on this topic: