Globale water resources

Overuse of global water resources is already changing the planet's appearance. Water scarcity has consequences for individuals, ecosystems and economic development. In addition, insufficient water supplies can compromize the stability of political systems. By 2050, it is expected that 40% of the global population will be living in regions experiencing water stress.
Within the "global water resources" topic, the GRoW funding measure focuses on developing methods for producing consistent, up-to-date and comprehensive descriptions of the state of global water resources and their related ecosystems. The researchers are tasked with deriving action-relevant information from large volumes of raw data (e.g. from satellite-based remote sensing). They will also explore how technology and innovative, solution-oriented models can be applied as compact solutions and improve information flows in the future. These kinds of solutions could significantly reduce the time between collecting data, analyzing the need for action, and subsequent management decisions by companies and authorities.
The following GRoW joint research projects are working on this topic: