InoCottonGROW on TV – GRoW project coordinator explains in TV broadcast “Lokalzeit aus Aachen” (WDR) how German consumption behaviour affects Pakistan's water resources

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Dr. Frank-Andreas Weber, coordinator of the InoCottonGROW project, presents in “Lokalzeit aus Aachen” (WDR) on April 11, 2019 to what extent the results of the InoCottonGROW project can contribute to reducing the water footprint of the Pakistani textile industry.

The TV feature shows how researchers from the InoCottonGROW project are developing methods to reduce water consumption in cotton cultivation. In addition, the operation of a pilot plant in Pakistan is testing cost-effective mechanisms for cleaning textile waste water. Accompanying training and further education programs contribute to an exchange of knowledge between the Pakistani and German project partners.

With regard to the water footprint, Dr. Frank-Andreas Weber points out that German consumption behaviour contributes to an exacerbation of water shortages and a deterioration in drinking water quality in Pakistan. End users therefore have an influence on the availability of water in producing countries like Pakistan through making informed purchasing decisions, e.g. by buying certified goods.

More information is available here and the full TV broadcoast is available here (in German only).