"Together for clean water" - GRoW project TRUST presents final report

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The GRoW project TRUST takes stock after four years of applied research. In its final report, the project presents integrated solution concepts and planning tools for sustainable water management in regions with water shortages.

In the GRoW project TRUST, researchers from the University of Stuttgart, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Water Technology Center (TZW) of the German Waterworks Association (DVGW) worked together with various industrial partners in the catchment area of the Río Lurín in Lima, Peru. They investigated how a socially just and ecologically friendly water supply and wastewater disposal can be ensured for people, agriculture and industry in regions with water shortages. To this end, they combined concepts from the natural, engineering and social sciences and actively involved stakeholders at the local and regional level.

The researchers created a solid database on the local water situation through surveys and measuring stations. In addition, educational campaigns were conducted to raise awareness of the value of water among the local population and to draw attention to water-related health risks.

To avoid water usage conflicts between agriculture, industry and the population, ways towards a joint water management planning were identified. For this purpose, the researchers developed a method to assess the synergy and consistency of different bundles of measures and to evaluate their sustainability effects and robustness under uncertainty.

TRUST presents its findings in a final report that results in five theses and a total of 20 recommendations for the areas of water resources, water use and water management. Read the full report here (English) and a summary here (German). A press release from the University of Stuttgart can be found here.