Re-live programme
In case you missed the Water as a Global Resource Conference on 20-21 October 2020, you can watch the recordings of the live event in Berlin here.
Day 1, 20 October 2020
Welcoming Words and Keynote
(Oda Keppler, BMBF; Prof Stefan Uhlenbrook, IWMI; Dr Olcay Ünver, Arizona State University, formerly UN Water)
Plenary Session on Global Water Resources
(Prof Wolfram Mauser, LMU Munich; Prof Stefan Siebert, University of Göttingen; Prof Harald Kunstmann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; PD Dr Stephan Fuchs, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Prof Irina Engelhardt, TU Berlin)
Keynote: Rainfall Forecasting in Sudan
(H.E. Dr Yasir Mohamed, Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources, Republic of Sudan)
Stakeholder Forum A: Digital Innovations for Managing Water Quantity
(Dr Heike Bach, Vista; Tobias Landmann, RSS GmbH)
Stakeholder Forum B: Water Quality Management
(Dr Christian Schmidt, UFZ; Dr Mauricio Bergamini Scheer, Sanepar, Brazil; Dr Eddie Riddell, SANParks, South Africa)
Plenary Session on Global Water Demand
(Dr Markus Berger, TU Berlin; Dr Frank-Andreas Weber, FiW e.V.)
GRoW Cross-Cutting Topics
(Dr Markus Berger, TU Berlin; Dr Frank-Andreas Weber, FiW e.V.; Prof Karl-Ulrich Rudolph, IEEM gGmbH – University Witten/Herdecke)
Day 2, 21 October 2020
Plenary Session on Global Water Demand and Good Governance
(Prof Martina Flörke, RUB; Prof Claudia Pahl-Wostl, University of Osnabrück; Christian León, University of Stuttgart)
Plenary Session on Good Governance in the Water Sector
(Jens Hilbig, IEEM gGmbH – University Witten/Herdecke; Michael Sander, Giscon)
Stakeholder Forum C: Decision Support Systems to Prevent Water Conflicts
(Sabine Stuart-Hill, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; Egon Harms, OOWV; Dr Andreas Abecker, Disy; Dr Micha Gebel, VisDat)
Stakeholder Forum D: Applying Water Footprint Tools
(Aurélie Wojciechowski, Evonik; Vikash Sinha, GIZ; Vinicius Bof Bufon, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation)
High-Level Panel
(Dr Olcay Ünver, Arizona State University; Prof Stefan Uhlenbrook, IWMI; Barbara Gerhager, GIZ; Harald Schölzel, EIB; Peter Saling, BASF)

GRoW Recommendations for Policy and Practice
(Prof Wolfram Mauser, LMU Munich)
Side Events
STEER - Webinar on the diagnostic governance tool and the STEER conceptual approach

TRUST - Safe drinking water supply and wastewater reuse: achieving SDG 6 in rural communities

WANDEL - Panel on science and practice

SaWaM Online Tools

go-CAM - Webinar on the CAM-tools

ViWA - Webinar on Water-Food-Energy- Ecosystem Nexus - a regional example